Home » Snake charmers at marrakech square

Snake charmers at marrakech square

by jamal
Treasure Hunting in Marrakech: Where to Find the Best Local Crafts and Souvenirs

The snake charmers at Marrakech’s famous Jemaa el-Fnaa square are a popular tourist attraction. However, it’s important to know that there are some ethical concerns surrounding the practice of snake charming, as it can be harmful to the snakes.

The snakes used by the snake charmers are typically cobras or vipers, which are venomous and dangerous. They are often kept in small, cramped cages and may have their fangs removed or be subjected to other forms of mistreatment in order to make them easier to handle.

As a tourist, it’s important to be aware of these issues and to think carefully before supporting the practice of snake charming. If you do choose to watch the snake charmers, make sure to keep a safe distance from the snakes and to avoid touching them.

It’s also worth noting that some of the snake charmers may demand payment for taking photos or for allowing you to handle the snakes, so be prepared to negotiate a fair price if you do decide to participate.

If you’re interested in learning more about snakes in Morocco, there are some snake farms and wildlife sanctuaries that offer educational tours and experiences. These can be a more ethical and responsible way to learn about the local wildlife.

Sure, here are some additional tips and information about snake charmers at Marrakech’s Jemaa el-Fnaa square:

  1. Safety: As mentioned, the snakes used by the snake charmers can be dangerous, so it’s important to keep a safe distance and to avoid touching them. If you do get bitten by a snake, seek medical attention immediately.
  2. Negotiation: The snake charmers at the square may demand payment for taking photos or for allowing you to handle the snakes, but it’s important to negotiate a fair price. Be prepared to haggle and to walk away if the price is too high.
  3. Timing: The snake charmers typically perform in the afternoon and evening, so plan your visit accordingly if you want to see them in action.
  4. Photography: If you want to take photos of the snake charmers, be respectful and ask for permission first. Some may ask for payment in exchange for allowing you to take photos.
  5. Ethical concerns: As mentioned, there are ethical concerns surrounding the practice of snake charming. If you’re uncomfortable with the mistreatment of snakes, consider avoiding the snake charmers altogether and instead visiting a wildlife sanctuary or museum to learn about local wildlife.

Overall, while the snake charmers at Jemaa el-Fnaa square are a popular tourist attraction, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and ethical concerns associated with the practice of snake charming. As a responsible tourist, it’s important to make informed decisions and to prioritize the welfare of animals.

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