Home » FMI seminar in Marrakech

FMI seminar in Marrakech

by jamal
mercedes van marrakech

The FMI seminar in Marrakech was held on October 9-15, 2023, and was hosted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group. The seminar was attended by over 10,000 people from around the world, including government officials, central bankers, academics, and private sector representatives.

The theme of the seminar was Building Resilience, Securing a Transformational Recovery, and Reinvigorating Global Cooperation. The seminar covered a wide range of topics, including:

  • The global economic outlook and risks
  • Policies to promote inclusive and sustainable growth
  • Climate change and its impact on the economy
  • The digital transformation and its implications for economic policy
  • Fiscal and monetary policy challenges in a post-pandemic world

The seminar also featured a number of high-level speakers, including:

  • Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the IMF
  • David Malpass, President of the World Bank Group
  • Nadia Fettah Alaoui, Minister of Economy and Finance of Morocco
  • Agustín Carstens, Head of the Bank of International Settlements
  • Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank

The FMI seminar in Marrakech was a major event in the global economic calendar, and it provided a valuable opportunity for policymakers, academics, and business leaders to discuss the key challenges facing the global economy.

The seminar has already concluded, and it is currently October 16, 2023.

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